Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why this blog?

I decided to set aside a place where I can share my heart's longing for the things of Christ. I am not perfect, but merely a pilgrim trying to be more like Christ as I listen to His voice. What you will see here is my deepest desire to give my gratitude, my dreams and all I have over to Jesus. I have many blogs that allow me to specifically journal about my children, our family's ministry, our adoption journeys and life in general. However, this time I wanted a special place that reflected more of my deeper thoughts of God's inner workings of my life. I wanted a place that I did not have to worry about showing that perfect picture collage to tell a story of an event, but rather a place to just speak of my personal relationship with the Lord. If others can benefit from me doing so then that, of course, is an added benefit. As Paul stated in Corinthians, follow me as I follow Christ. My prayer is that this blog is a blessing of worship unto my Lord and my Abba Father as I allow His Spirit to guide me.

Why the name? Being a busy Missionary wife and homeschooling Mama I do not get much time to write my contemplations as the Lord speaks during the day. I am a very reflective person, but like to be alone as I do so. I have always been a night owl as I love the serene silence of the night. It is in this peacefulness, at the end of a busy day, that I am able to turn my thoughts completely over to God. Others are morning people and I have yet to accomplish this as I am easily distracted by what must be done for the day. For me I find great satisfaction knowing another day has been completed with the Lord's help. Of course, like all of God's children I strive to be the in word, singing psalms or interceding in prayer during the day, but it is as the sun goes down that I am able to fully say, "Thank you Jesus!" or "What area is it, Lord, that you want more of me?"

The picture you see above is a silhouette of me at my very favorite place to reflect during the summer. It is in God's beauty that I am most in awe of His Majesty!! (I would kindly ask that you refrain from copying the above picture as it's quite special and personal to me.)

With that said... I have not decided whether to have comments or not. For now I will keep that option open, but would like to keep the comments a continuation of praise to our Heavenly Father. This blog is an attempt to be all for Jesus! =)


Phyllis said...

So this is where I should leave the quotes I have for you? I thought of another one, and the poem I was thinking of is still coming.

I'm sorry to say that I have gotten tired of people telling me that God has a reason for what happened to us and then proceeding to tell me their guesses about what that reason could be. This quote was a comfort to me:
“Many of our friends in their letters speak of God’s mysterious ways, and I know there is an element of mystery. But I shrink from the suggestion that our Father has done anything which needs to be explained. What He has done is the best, because He has done it, and I pray that as a family we may not cast about for explanations of the mystery, but exult in the Holy Spirit, and say, ‘I thank Thee, Father. . . Even so, Father.’ It suggests a lack of confidence in Him if we find it necessary to try to understand all He does.

“Will it not bring Him greater joy to tell Him that we need no explanation because we know Him?”
Quoted in Amma: The Life and Words of Amy Carmichael, page 209, but it's actually a quote from another missionary, and it is about the death of his sister.

I'm happy to see you starting this blog. I think anyone who reads it will be blessed. I myself was just thinking last night of doing something like this. It's hard to share deeply on our family blog. I don't think I'll start anything new now, but I will enjoy your thoughts, and I will think along with you.

Phyllis said...

Here's another one that I just found:
The End

Will not the End explain
The crossed endeavour, earnest purpose foiled,
The strange bewilderment of good work spoiled,
The clinging weariness, the inward strain,
Will not the End explain?

Meanwhile He comforteth
Them that are losing patience; 'tis His way.
But none can write the words they hear Him say,
For men to read; only they know He saith
Kind words, and comforteth.

Not that He doth explain
The mystery that baffleth; but a sense
Husheth the quiet heart, that far, far hence
Lieth a field set thick with golden grain,
Wetted in seedling days by many a rain;
The End it will explain.

by Amy Carmichael